Derek Goodwin Photography

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8 yoga animal poses to build strength and compassion

Eka Pada Raja Kapotasana (Royal Pigeon Pose)

If the traditional cat pose is too easy for you, try posing with a cat in headstand!

In honor of Shri Dharma Mittra's 2017 birthday, Dharma Yoga NYC sponsored an "Instagram Challenge to raise funds & build awareness for our animal friends" #loveallbeings. The goal was to raise awareness of animal issues, and bring some charitable donations to Farm Sanctuary, People for Ethical Treatment of Animals (Peta), and the Humane Society of New York. Please consider donating, they can always use your help!

I used the challenge opportunity to dig up some old yoga photographs of animal poses, and to create some new ones. To gain the full benefit of these yoga asanas, try to imagine yourself as the animal you are imitating, and remember to breathe! Breath connects us to all other beings.

#1 Cat & Cow Pose

Cat Pose (Marjaiasana) and Cow Pose (Bitilasana) yoga sequence, with Brooklyn cat graffiti. Model is my partner Siewli Stark.

Gomukhasana: cow face pose